Sunday, 20 October 2013

Facts about eye allergies and the problems they cause

Allergies are ailments that are not new and have been around for ages. They lead to many other problems and a person feels troubled and irritated as well. But many people think of allergies as being a running nose, itching, soreness, hives and sneezes. But this is partly true, as there are many eye allergies that are common and many people suffer from them. They can be treated through various methods and anyone who suffers from an eye allergy should seek immediate attention respectively.

The eyes are the important part of the body and proper care needs to be taken so that they don’t get damaged or impaired completely. Since the eyes are exposed for most of the time during the day, it is possible that they become victim to many eye problems or infections. The reason is the presence of dust particles, dirt, pollen or dander in the environment that can trigger inflammation, irritation or any type of eye allergies as well. The eyes don’t have any filter mechanism like that of the nose that blocks the bacteria from entering inside. If you are suffering from any other allergy, then chances are high that you will suffer from eye allergies too.

It happens that you may have a family history of allergies or suffer from nasal allergies that will lead to allergies in the eye respectively. Furthermore, a person may also suffer from atrophic dermatitis that can result in an allergy in the eyes. But you should be tensed or worried, as various treatments are available through which eye allergies can be removed entirely. On the other side, a person may develop an allergy if there is a smoke, through perfume, as well as from hay fever and atopic eczema as well. Whenever a person suffers from an eye allergy, he will experience itchiness, redness and a swelling may occur too. Moreover, if you use certain medicines or cosmetics, then adverse reaction can take place that will result in an allergy as well.

There are many symptoms that lead to eye allergies and some are more common respectively. They include swollen eyes, redness, runny nose, tearing, burning sensation, itchy nose, mouth or throat, blurred vision, headache from sinus congestion, coughing and fatigue or sleep deprivation as well. The eye allergies can occur at any age and proper treatment should be sought to prevent more harm to the eyes. Many medicines are available through which the allergies can be treated effectively in a short span of time.

One notable medicine that is used for the treatment of eye allergies is Elestat. It works by preventing the release of histamine that may trigger an adverse reaction at any time. It is best used for removing itchiness and is also recommended for many other medical ailments as well.

How eye infections affect people and know how to treat them

If someone suffers from an eye infection or an eye allergy then he or she does not feel good at all. The eye infections are common and are caused many factors respectively. The pathogens are the agents that lead to an infection in the eye and they include fungi, bacteria or viruses as well. All the infections relative to the eyes vary in their severity and require different treatments too.

The fact is that an eye infection is transferable from one person to another person. It has been seen that eye infections are more common in those who wear contact lenses. This happens because the contact lenses themselves contain infections that get transferred easily. An eye infection occurs due to eye surgery, eye wear, trauma, injury, vitamin or mineral deficiency or other ailments like sinuses respectively. The symptoms for the eye infections are different from each other and the common ones result in swelling, redness and itchiness in the eyes. A person will experience persistent irritation and discharge of liquid that makes him uncomfortable as well.

One fact that should be kept in mind is that eye infections can be caused by blepharitis or any other similar symptom respectively. Through blepharitis, the eyes turn red, there is discomfort and excessive tearing can be seen too. Moreover, this condition can trigger burning sensation and glare and light sensitivity as well. If a person experiences pain and redness for long, then he should immediately consult an eye specialist who would examine the eyes and provide the right remedy too.

It has been noted that eye infections are usually seen among the children or in those who do not take proper care of themselves. That is they do not remain clean or have poor hygiene respectively.  If a person who has undergone eye surgery, then the probability of him having an eye infection increases greatly. An infection can occur via an infected surface through contact lenses or a hand as well. Therefore, a person should wash his hands before he touches his eyes. On the other side, females should never share their cosmetics or makeup with anyone as infection can occur.

Many treatments are available through which a person can get rid of any type of eye infections. The first one is cleaning and a person should always use a cotton swab or distilled water to clean his or her eyes. He should make sure that he does not use the same swab for both the eyes respectively. The second treatment is cold compress and a person is required to wrap ice cubes within a clean cloth and put it over his eyes. He can even dip the cloth in the cold water and then apply it on the eyes too. The last treatment is eye therapy and it involves use of tea bags. That is tea bags can be used over the eyes and they will help to relax the muscles effectively.

The causes and treatment of swollen eye

There are many factors that can lead to a swollen eye or eyes and that the different remedies are available through which the eyes can restore their natural condition respectively. But before you apply any ointment or an eye cleansing solution, you should consult a doctor who will tell you what treatment or method should be used. It happens that the eyes may swell up partially and that a person thinks it’s a minor concern. But any swelling can lead to an eye infection and a treatment has to be done for it.

The various factors that result in swollen eye include Glaucoma, Contact Lenses, Pink eye, Make-up Allergies and Dry eyes respectively. Glaucoma is a state in which there is a big pressure in the eye that leads to moving it forward and results in the eye becoming swollen as well. If anyone suffers from this, then he should visit an eye specialist immediately and get the treatment done too. The second factor is Pink eye, a condition which is an allergy and makes the front part of the eye inflamed and red. This caused due to dander, dust, pollen, as well as dust from construction sites and industrial plants respectively.

The third factor is Contact lenses as they can create irritation or other eye problem too. If there is an irritation after you wore the lenses, then a doctor will need to check your eyes for what caused the problem. The fourth factor that leads to swollen eye is the Makeup allergies that are quite common as well. The fact is that various chemicals or ingredients present within the makeup may create an adverse effect by damaging the texture if the skin. And that this can harm the eyes too. The fifth factor that results in swollen eye is Dry eyes, which is frequent and forces people to apply eye drops respectively. But the eye drops vary in nature and a person should take one after consulting a doctor. The last factor is Sinuses, a condition in which the eyes become puffy and swelling also develops respectively.

Whatever is the cause, there is an individual treatment for it and one should not delay for it too. Swollen eye should never be taken lightly and immediate consultation should be done as well. You can use slices of cucumber over your eyes that can help to reduce the swelling in them. If you are suffering from Sinuses, then you can use a cool, damp rag over the eyes to remove the swelling entirely. The swollen eye can also be treated by taking enough rest in the night. It happens that due to inadequate sleep he eyes may become puffy and if this persists for long, then swelling can occur as well.

Knowing about Blepharoplasty and its rising popularity

It is possible that anyone who had an eye infection or problem may know about Blepharoplasty.Or that one may have heard someone having it done to improve the looks of the eyes. Blepharoplasty is a surgery done on the eyelids to restore the state and position of the eyelids respectively. This surgery can assist in correcting the loss of peripheral vision that occurs due to eyelid fat or excessive sagging as well.

Blepharoplasty is has become quite popular these days and people even go for brow lift procedure too. There are many reasons as to why many people go for Blepharoplasty and that there is not much side effect at all. The most profound and important reason is that it is not a lengthy procedure and gets completed within two to three hours. The cost of the surgery is not much and people even get discounts or convenient payment methods at some places as well. When the Blepharoplasty is done, a person can perform his or tasks in less then ten days respectively.

Apart from knowing about the advantages of Blepharoplasty, one should also now the risks associated with this surgery. But the risks linked with Blepharoplasty are minimal and are therefore a person should not worry that much at all. The risks include dry eyes, infection, incisions, some bleeding and tightness too. The fact is that the probability of any one of them occurring is quite less, yet one should be prepared about how to deal it with them if they occur. If for instance one does suffer, then he or she should consult a doctor quickly who will provide a remedy for it. But one thing should be kept in mind that a person should not be hasty to do his or her tasks before the stated time and wait till he sees properly and that he feels comfortable as well.

There are many ways in which Blepharoplasty is performed and each ends well too. Basically it involves eyelift option or an external incision that is done on the skin lines of the eyelids. But many doctors perform the incision on the inside of the eyelid; that is on the surface to prevent the occurrence of visible scars respectively. The entire result relative to Blepharoplasty can be seen in few months and that a doctor keeps the photographs of the patient in order to let him know about the difference.

After Blepharoplasty is done, a doctor suggests some eye care that needs to be followed properly. This vital as it takes time for the wounds to get healed and for this you will need to take some pain killers respectively. In fact a person will be required to apply an ointment for the initial two days after the surgery.

Saturday, 19 October 2013

Facts about the swollen eyelid

It happens that many people suffer from one eye ailment or the other and that they reach the severity if they are not treated properly on time. There are many reasons that can lead to swollen eyelid or other eye infections and that dust or pollution can also trigger them. It has also been seen that swollen eyelid can become difficult to treat many a times and that anyone can suffer from it at any time and age respectively.
One should know that swollen eyelid can lead to impaired, irritation, difficulty when applying a moisturizer or a make-up and embarrassment as well. So whenever you have this problem, you should consult a doctor or an eye specialist who can suggest the right treatment for you respectively. Moreover, the eyes can become red, puffy and both the eyelids swell up in a way that can become unbearable and lead to an eye infection eventually. Even if you have never suffered from the disease, you need to know about it and if your relative or a friend suffers from it, then you can provide the pertinent information to them.

There are many causes of swollen eyelid and each result in different reaction or response within the eyes. The first cause is due to various infections either viral or bacterial respectively. This occurs from allergies or chemicals and is the most common cause as well. Secondly, Conjunctivitis can lead to the impairment when the protective membrane that lines the eyelids becomes red, swollen and itchy as well. The third factor is Orbital Cellulitis which is an infection and affects the tissues that enclose the eyes. The fourth factor is Blepharitis which results in inflammation of the lining of the eyes and is caused by a skin disorder or a bacterial infection. The fifth cause is Styes, which is a bacterial infection that occurs in the oil producing glands or sweat respectively. It results in swelling, pus and redness as well. The last cause or factor is Chalazion, a condition that resembles Styes, but grows away from the border of the eyelid. It occurs due to eye duct blockage that develops in the lubricating glands within the eyes.

There are other factors as well that lead to swollen eyelid and are non-painful in nature. They include Sinuses (allergies or water retention that leads to irritation), Allergies, Gland Blockages (Occur due to overproduction of fluids in the eye or the infection and Contact lenses or solution ( dirty lenses or some eye cleaning solutions that lead to swelling within the eyes).  But whatever be the cause, one should immediately seek a doctor’s help and get the treatment done for swollen eyelid as soon as possible.