Sunday, 20 October 2013

Facts about eye allergies and the problems they cause

Allergies are ailments that are not new and have been around for ages. They lead to many other problems and a person feels troubled and irritated as well. But many people think of allergies as being a running nose, itching, soreness, hives and sneezes. But this is partly true, as there are many eye allergies that are common and many people suffer from them. They can be treated through various methods and anyone who suffers from an eye allergy should seek immediate attention respectively.

The eyes are the important part of the body and proper care needs to be taken so that they don’t get damaged or impaired completely. Since the eyes are exposed for most of the time during the day, it is possible that they become victim to many eye problems or infections. The reason is the presence of dust particles, dirt, pollen or dander in the environment that can trigger inflammation, irritation or any type of eye allergies as well. The eyes don’t have any filter mechanism like that of the nose that blocks the bacteria from entering inside. If you are suffering from any other allergy, then chances are high that you will suffer from eye allergies too.

It happens that you may have a family history of allergies or suffer from nasal allergies that will lead to allergies in the eye respectively. Furthermore, a person may also suffer from atrophic dermatitis that can result in an allergy in the eyes. But you should be tensed or worried, as various treatments are available through which eye allergies can be removed entirely. On the other side, a person may develop an allergy if there is a smoke, through perfume, as well as from hay fever and atopic eczema as well. Whenever a person suffers from an eye allergy, he will experience itchiness, redness and a swelling may occur too. Moreover, if you use certain medicines or cosmetics, then adverse reaction can take place that will result in an allergy as well.

There are many symptoms that lead to eye allergies and some are more common respectively. They include swollen eyes, redness, runny nose, tearing, burning sensation, itchy nose, mouth or throat, blurred vision, headache from sinus congestion, coughing and fatigue or sleep deprivation as well. The eye allergies can occur at any age and proper treatment should be sought to prevent more harm to the eyes. Many medicines are available through which the allergies can be treated effectively in a short span of time.

One notable medicine that is used for the treatment of eye allergies is Elestat. It works by preventing the release of histamine that may trigger an adverse reaction at any time. It is best used for removing itchiness and is also recommended for many other medical ailments as well.

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