Saturday, 19 October 2013

Facts about the swollen eyelid

It happens that many people suffer from one eye ailment or the other and that they reach the severity if they are not treated properly on time. There are many reasons that can lead to swollen eyelid or other eye infections and that dust or pollution can also trigger them. It has also been seen that swollen eyelid can become difficult to treat many a times and that anyone can suffer from it at any time and age respectively.
One should know that swollen eyelid can lead to impaired, irritation, difficulty when applying a moisturizer or a make-up and embarrassment as well. So whenever you have this problem, you should consult a doctor or an eye specialist who can suggest the right treatment for you respectively. Moreover, the eyes can become red, puffy and both the eyelids swell up in a way that can become unbearable and lead to an eye infection eventually. Even if you have never suffered from the disease, you need to know about it and if your relative or a friend suffers from it, then you can provide the pertinent information to them.

There are many causes of swollen eyelid and each result in different reaction or response within the eyes. The first cause is due to various infections either viral or bacterial respectively. This occurs from allergies or chemicals and is the most common cause as well. Secondly, Conjunctivitis can lead to the impairment when the protective membrane that lines the eyelids becomes red, swollen and itchy as well. The third factor is Orbital Cellulitis which is an infection and affects the tissues that enclose the eyes. The fourth factor is Blepharitis which results in inflammation of the lining of the eyes and is caused by a skin disorder or a bacterial infection. The fifth cause is Styes, which is a bacterial infection that occurs in the oil producing glands or sweat respectively. It results in swelling, pus and redness as well. The last cause or factor is Chalazion, a condition that resembles Styes, but grows away from the border of the eyelid. It occurs due to eye duct blockage that develops in the lubricating glands within the eyes.

There are other factors as well that lead to swollen eyelid and are non-painful in nature. They include Sinuses (allergies or water retention that leads to irritation), Allergies, Gland Blockages (Occur due to overproduction of fluids in the eye or the infection and Contact lenses or solution ( dirty lenses or some eye cleaning solutions that lead to swelling within the eyes).  But whatever be the cause, one should immediately seek a doctor’s help and get the treatment done for swollen eyelid as soon as possible.

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